
This document explains how to use corrections from Skylark Dx corrections stream with a Sony CXD5610GF dual-band GNSS receiver. The procedure outlined in this document has been tested using a Sony CXD5610GF EVB receiver evaluation kit. For more information about Skylark Dx, please visit the Skylark FAQ.


  • CXD5610GF GNSS receiver evaluation kit
  • Skylark Account (If you do not already have a Skylark Account, sign up at the Skylark Portal, or contact Swift Sales.)
  • Windows PC with Sony GNSS MonitorForCustomer software (Request access here)
  • CXD5610GF Application Note (Request access here)
  • Optional RTKLIB tool str2str as NTRIP client and proxy for the serial port

Check the firmware version installed on the CXD5610GF receiver

  1. Connect the CXD5610GF receiver interface to the PC, connect the RF antenna interface to a GNSS L1/L5 band antenna and place it with an open sky view
  2. Start the GNSS Monitor2 ForCustomer software on the PC
  3. Detect the appropriate COM port of the connected receiver
  4. In menu, click, Setup(S) -> Serial Port(S). Configure the serial port and enable "Check version after connected". Click "OK":

    and check if the FW version in the Terminal Window is v00.151 or higher:

  5. The NMEA message $GPGGA must be enabled to provide the receivers current position to the NTRIP client. $GPGGA message and other important messages can be enabled in the Sony CXDC5610GF by using the Command Control Line to send the following command
    @BSSL 0xFF

For the detailed commands description refer to the CXD5610GF Application Note (Request access from Sony).

Connecting to NTRIP

Provide Skylark Dx corrections using the GNSS Monitor for Customer software

  • Select menu Option(O) -> D-GNSS:

  • Enter NTRIP server Host Address, Port Number, Mount Point, User Name and Password

    Host Address URL depends on your area:
    1. (North America)
    2. (Europe)
    3. (Japan)

Port: 2101
Your Skylark Username & Password
Mount Point: DX-MSM1

  • Under "Send interval", set "GGA Sentence to Host" to 10 sec and "RTCM to Receiver" to 1 sec.

  • Click "Connect". After the successful connection to the Skylark Dx server the Connect button changes to green.
  • To enable the constellations GPS, GAL and BDS use the Command Control Line to send the following command:
    @gns 0x1DC1
  • To only use RTCM corrections (for fallback with SBAS, do not send for it to keep default setting) for analysis purpose send
    @GSCM 6
  • To start the receiver send the cold start command
  • Then NMEA message output will appear in the Terminal window.
  • Check the GGA GNSS Quality Indicator field equals: 2 = Differential GPS, fix valid:

  • Or check the Positioning window for row Augmentation is "ON":