Piksi® Multi with firmware v2.2 and newer is capable of sending base station data in RTCM v3.x format. This capability enables Piksi Multi to be used as a base station for another Piksi Multi and third-party RTK receivers. 

The RTCM message details can be obtained from RTCM organization site: http://www.rtcm.org/

RTCM messages can be output via any available interface (UART, Ethernet, USB). RTCM versions 3.1 and 3.2 outputs are supported.

RTCM Output Modes

Piksi Multi can output RTCM v3 messages in three modes: Legacy, MSM4 and MSM5. The following messages are output in each mode:

Legacy: 1004, 1006, 1008, 1012, 1033 and 1230

MSM4: 1006, 1008, 1033, 1230 and MSM4 (1074, 1084, 1094, 1124)

MSM5: 1006, 1008, 1033, 1230 and MSM5 (1075, 1085, 1095, 1125)

Starting from firmware v2.4.20 Piksi Multi can also output ephemeris messages 1019, 1020, 1042, 1046.

In additionally to the output mode, users can specify antenna the height, antenna descriptor and receiver descriptor.  The antenna descriptor and receiver descriptor strings are designed to conform to those specified in the “recvr_ant.tab” file published by the igs organization (ftp.igs.org/pub/station/general/rcvr_ant.tab).

Message Rates

Messages 1006, 1008, 1033 are sent at 1 Hz rate.

Messages 1004, 1012, MSM4, MSM5 are sent at SBP observations output rate (default 1 Hz).

Message 1230 is sent at 2 Hz rate.

Messages Description

1004 - GPS L1 and L2 observations

1006 - Stationary RTK reference station ARP with antenna height

1008 - Antenna descriptor

1012 - GLONASS L1 and L2 observations

1019 - GPS ephemeris

1020 - GLONASS ephemeris

1033 - Receiver and antenna descriptors

1042 - BeiDou ephemeris

1046 - Galileo ephemeris

1074 - GPS pseudorange, phase range & CNR observables

1075 - GPS pseudorange, phase range, Doppler, & CNR observables

1084 - GLONASS pseudorange, phase range & CNR observables

1085 - GLONASS pseudorange, phase range, Doppler, & CNR observables

1094 - Galileo pseudorange, phase range & CNR observables

1095 - Galileo pseudorange, phase range, Doppler, & CNR observables

1124 - BeiDou pseudorange, phase range & CNR observables

1125 - BeiDou pseudorange, phase range, Doppler, & CNR observables

1230 - GLONASS L1 and L2 code-phase biases

RTCM Output Settings

To obtain complete base station RTCM output three groups of settings must be configured: RTCM output, antenna surveyed position and output port mode.

RTCM Output

Select Show Advanced Settings checkbox to display the RTCM Output settings.

Figure 1. Example of RTCMv3 output configuration

Configure RTCM Output as desired and click Save to Device button to make change permanent.

Note: Default antenna descriptor HXCGPS500 describes Swift-branded GPS500 mini-survey antenna included in evaluation and starter kits.

Surveyed Position

Figure 2. Example of surveyed position configuration

Enter antenna’s surveyed location, set broadcast to True and click Save to Device button to make change permanent.

Note: If the surveyed position is not available, you can use Swift Console’s Auto Survey button (visible when receiver has a valid fix and any surveyed position settings in selected /clicked on). This will compute position based on an average of the last 1000 position solutions and therefore not as accurate as a proper survey of the base station location. For additional details refer to Piksi Multi - GNSS RTK Position with Stationary Base article.

Output Port Mode

Figure 3. Example of RTCMv3 output enabled on UART0

Select RTCMv3 OUT on desired port mode and click Save to Device button to make change permanent.


  • When RTCMv3 output is selected any input data on the port will be ignored.
  • Ethernet connectivity is provided through the TCP or UDP servers and clients.
  • Piksi Multi cannot act as an NTRIP server or caster.

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