Piksi Multi built-in NTRIP v2.0 (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) Client enables the receiver to obtain RTK base station observations from the Internet autonomously. For the NTRIP Client to work receiver must be connected to the Internet using an Ethernet interface. Refer to Using Ethernet on Piksi Multi article for Ethernet interface details. The NTRIP Client supports only alphanumeric characters for both the username and password field.

Follow these steps to enable NTRIP Client: (changes in this group are possible only when NTRIP Client is disabled)

  1. Navigate to Settings tab of Swift Console and scroll down to the ‘ntrip’ section.
  2. Enter NTRIP username.
  3. Enter NTRIP password.
  4. Enter URL in the format:
    address:port/mountpoint (if the username and password are provided in steps above)
  5. If connecting to the NTRIP Caster that requires NMEA GGA message from the user, set the ‘gga out interval’ to the value required by correction provider. Time is in seconds.
  6. If the NTRIP Caster requires NTRIP v1.0 formatted GGA message change the "gga out rev1" to True. (Check the Show Advanced Settings checkbox to see this option).
  7. Change enable entry to True.
  8. Click the Save to Device button to make changes permanent.


  • To see local and remote observation data in Swift Console Piksi Multi must have a valid live fix.
  • See RTCM Input article for accepted RTCM messages.

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